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About ✰Kate✰ fitness | health | life
image  1 ✰Kate✰ fitness | health | life - Fitness FAQs
September 16, 2022

Fitness FAQs🖤🖤can anyone change their body composition?YES!! i used to think i didn’t have the genetics to grow muscle...take the power away from those thoughts, start lifting weights and paying attention to how you fuel your body, sleep, stress, etc and you will see incredible results🖤why don’t you share how many calories you eat?calories are so different for everyone and i would never want someone to feel like they have to eat exactly the same if they want to achieve a certain goal...truth is that even if we all ate + worked out the same we’d still look SO DIFFERENT because of genetics!🖤do you track macrossimply calories & protein! 🖤why do you lift weights?i really love weight lifting because it shows me that i can take on anything i put my mind to—if you told myself last year that i would lift as much as i do today i probably would have laughed in your face...give yourself time, dedication, and the right mindset and you can do absolutely anything! we’re not stopping anytime soon!🖤form or weight?it’s always better to prioritise form! you don’t want to be lifting heavy with improper form because that could lead to injuries + you’re probably not engaging your muscles as you should be! form all the way, and then increase the weight!💓#teamboandtee 🫶🏽
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